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Call Me Wolverine

So we decided to continue with our travels for the time being. Going back to Bali for at least another month and am looking forward to staying in one place for an extended period of time. We cancelled our Australia plans for next month since it didn’t make sense to go there and not be able to dive. So if we decide to keep travelling around, we’ll probably just go to cheap places where I can relax on the beach and Therese can go surfing. Any suggestions?

As far as an update on my injuries, I got the stitches out of my leg yesterday and will hopefully get the stitches out of my shoulder later this week. I’m starting to get used to the limited mobility but it’s still very frustrating at times and sometimes painful. They say I’ll fully recover in six months but hopefully, in a month I’ll get a lot of my mobility back.

Thanks for all the well-wishes and thanks to Therese for taking care of me.

Camden Medical Center, Singapore