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Kata Beach

Phuket, Thailand

Thailand has some amazing islands and our first of many was Phuket, its largest and most developed. The island is not everyone’s favorite since you don’t get the true island feel, but it definitely had the best beaches. Since it’s a big island, finding the right place to stay was tough. We opted to stay at Kata Beach rather than the big party beaches. It was a good choice for us because we absolutely loved the beach, and you can even see the Big Buddha from it. It was easily one of our top three favorite beaches of our entire trip, along with beaches in Bali and Sri Lanka. Our favorite kind of beach is one that has waves for bodysurfing, which Therese is a pro at. It’s also a good surfing beach but we were a little too early for that which bummed Therese out since she was looking to get some lessons in. All in all, we’re glad we went to Phuket, but if you have the time, go visit one of the smaller islands as well to see another side of Thailand.


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