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A lot of Thai : Home Cooking Class

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Thailand has a lot to offer, including its food! I have a tough relationship with Thai food because I don’t eat seafood and most dishes include some form of it. At the start of our trip, I would ask people to not put fish or oyster sauce in my food, which some people found very strange. Eventually, I just gave up asking, and for the most part, it didn’t taste fishy, even though I would always complain to Therese that it was.

We knew we wanted to take a cooking class in Thailand and our friends recommended A lot of Thai in Chiang Mai. We’ve enjoyed all of the cooking classes we took on our trip, but this one was probably my favorite because it was the only one where we cooked the entire meal ourselves. We made pad thai, red and green curry, stir-fried chicken with cashews, and our favorite dessert on our trip, mango sticky rice. Our instructor, Yui, was awesome! Her passion and joy for cooking really came through, and we really enjoyed hearing her stories, especially those about Chef Ramsay and her durian addiction.


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Cooking Class: A lot of Thai
