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Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon

Ayutthaya, Thailand

Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon is located just outside of the walls of Ayutthaya island and is also known as The Great Monastery of Auspicious Victory. It was built for monks who had returned from

studying in Sri Lanka. Monks still live there today, so it was cool to see some of them walking around the complex. Situated in the middle of the temple is a 72-meter tall chedi flanked on both sides by two large seated Buddha statues. It was interesting to see a family give an offering of an additional saffron sash to one of the Buddha statues. Dozens of smaller statues that actually still have their heads surround the main chedi. Apparently, there is a reclining Buddha somewhere on the grounds that we missed since we were getting short on time; however, our next stop had a very impressive reclining Buddha.


Date Visited:
