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Scuba Diving

Coron, Philippines

In Coron, we finally went on our first wreck dive that wasn’t sunk on purpose to become an artificial reef.  This wreck, the Kogyo Maru, was a Japanese freighter that was sunk by US planes during World War II.  Thirty-nine men went down with the ship and more than twenty ships were sunk in the attack.

Our second wreck of the day in Coron, the Morazan Maru, was also sunk in World War II by the US during the same attack that sunk our first wreck, the Kogyo Maru.  Just like the first wreck, it had some cool swim throughs, but this one even had an air pocket in one of the rooms!

Our dive in Barracuda Lake in Coron was an interesting one.  We were more excited for the wreck dives but this one ended up having a lot of firsts.  At points the water reached over 100 °F and we got to do an obstacle course which I was hilariously bad at.  We were told there is one barracuda in the lake, hence the name, which we ended up seeing, but I’m sure that’s not the only one.


Date Visited:

Dive Shop: Reggae Dive Center

Dive Sites: Kogyo Maru, Morazan Maru, Barracuda Lake
